Sport fishing in the Stura di Lanzo stream: Line-friendly landscapes and environment

The Stura stream between Germagnano, Traves and Mezzenile

Sport fishing in the Stura di Lanzo can be practiced by both the sports tourist and the professional fisherman.

Its widest stretch, which on the whole is 7 km long about and covers almost 850 km², has been under environmental protection since 1993 and preserves important naturalistic and fishing peculiarities. The stream, which originates as Stura from Pian della Mussa, flows impetuously to the territory of Ceres; there it joins the Stura di Valgrande, doubling its size and taking the name of Stura di Lanzo. Its course continues toward Pessinetto and Traves, where it meets the Stura di Viù, which flows into its waters; running along the Mandria Regional Park and the town of Venaria Reale, it reaches the northwestern outskirts of Turin and then flows into the Po.

On its banks, anglers will discover some small lowland forests and interesting marsh ecosystems, two features quite difficult to be found in the surrounding area.

Among the most characteristic plants there are the sedge, a rare variety of fern and a curious type of papyrus; among the animal species, you find crayfish and more than a hundred kinds of birds, both birds of prey, such as buzzard and osprey, and waterbirds, including wild goose and coot.

The stretch of the Stura including the areas of Mezzenile, Traves and Germagnano lends itself perfectly to surface fishing, both at the amateur and competitive level. The activity, which involves exploring the waters of the stream using several kinds of rods and techniques, could take a half a day or a full day and can only be carried out if you have a regular government license and fishing vouchers issued by the concessionary body.

In Germagnano area there is also the Municipal Fishing Reserve, an unmissable destination for lovers of this sport and for all those are searching for unspoiled nature and refreshing atmospheres.

Germagnano Fishing Reserve: nature is at home.

Discover the Reserve

The Reserve has the typical alpine stream environment and includes both No Kill and catch zones, both of which are subject to a specific regulation that aims to protect its fish and natural heritage, especially limiting the number of fish that can be harvested.

The activity is allowed only if one has a government license and the fishing voucher, for a maximum of 2 vouchers per day, and in compliance with the Seasonal Calendar prepared by the Protection Bodies.

On the other hand, the angler is guaranteed the maximum usability of the area, through the planting of trouts, the bank and path maintenance, the installation or replacement of the marker posts.

The types of trout that can be found in the waters of the Reserve are Rainbow Trout, Marbled Trout, Mediterranean and/or Hybrid Trout and the Brown Trout,* the latter of good size, usually between 4 and 8 ounces. (*we are waiting for clarification from Piedmont Region and Metropolitan City of Turin).

Buy and book your fishing day

Association active in the territory

Association: APS Germagnano

For more information:
mobile 3855458198

Our Association was founded on February 23, 1971; it includes currently 40 associates.

The activities we propose are competitions involving members and non-members, cultural trips and friendly moments.

As for sport fishing, it can usually be practiced from the second Sunday in March until the first Sunday in October (if legislation and Stura water condition permit it). Recently we have been promoting the approach of young people to it, but a goal of ours will be to organize activities to include children as well.
For the time being we do not organize competitive social competitions, but on some occasions all the catch is offered to charitable institutions. At the moment, all future plans have been frozen because of COVID19 pandemic and prohibition about introduction of non-native species into the stream.

The reasons why it is worth trying your hand at sport fishing are being in the middle of nature, spending relaxing moments, fun and tranquility.

Our association does not offer usable services, but for those who are interested in becoming associated with us, they can do it by following the procedure of membership through the Municipality’s website or by contacting the President directly: mobile 3855458198

Fishing A.S.D. Mezzenile-Pessinetto “I Ranocchi”

For more information:

Fishing A.S.D. Mezzenile-Pessinetto “I Ranocchi”

Headquarters: Mezzenile, Via Sabbione snc – Cod. fisc. 92037610018

President: Vallauri Stefano


How to make the best use of accesses to the Stura stream

Access to the stream from Germagnano

The first access point to the Stura stream is located in Germagnano: here the parking area, the beach and the equipped area for the operators of the field are placed in one of the most interesting stretches of the Stura stream, the public Fishing Reserve.

Access to the stream from Traves

The second access point to the Stura stream is located in Traves, specifically at the bridge that, coming from Germagnano, allows one to enter the village of Traves. Here tourists and sportsmen will find, in addition to parking and easy access to the small beach, a space equipped with green areas, toilets, a covered picnic areawith a wooden pergola, and a camper van area.

Access to the stream from Mezzenile

The third and last access point to the stream is in Mezzenile, between he bridge leading to the village and the rail line Torino-Ceres. Here it is possible to leave car in the parking area and go down to a small beach.