Nature and Sport in the Lanzo Valleys, between land and water

Nature, sport, tradition and flavors: this is what Lanzo Valleys are

Located in the heart of Piedmont, two steps away from the city of Turin and the Graian Alps. A natural mosaic of incredible landscapes, where the gentlest valleys meet imposing rocky peaks, touching 4,000 meters in altitude. Here, among unspolied forests, silent pastures and ancient villages, the Stura di Lanzo stream flows, with its clear and very fresh waters, sometimes calm, sometimes impetuous; it lends itself as the ideal place for lovers of water sports, especially kayaking and sport fishing. Two activities only apparently reserved for the few: if practiced at amatorial level, they are able to involve the most different age groups, combining the sports practice in the strict sense with the discovery of local landscape and culture and offering a unique and deeper contact with the surrounding environment.

Sport and tourist experiences able to satisfy your needs, which are those of the modern traveller, but also of the “local”: taking time off, away from the daily chaos; rediscovering positive values; reconnecting with nature; sharing a new experience, in the sign of healt and wellness, wheter it is adrenalinic or relaxing.

The Lanzo Valleys are responding to this demand with an idea of high quality active holiday. Accessibility, safety and hospitality are the elements that characterize the outdoor proposals related to the Stura stream, usable especially in the areas of Traves, Mezzenile and Germagnano.

New facilities and services to guarantee you the optimal performance in each activity, completely enjoying the territory and its resources.

The new infrastructure made available in the areas of Germagnano, Mezzenile and Traves allow easy and functional access to the Stura at several different points to practise both kayaking and sport fishing. These two activities can therefore be developed along a linear itinerary, which can be covered in one or more days, taking advantage of the presence of parking, camper van and picnic areas; moreover some of the spaces are made available to the local Associations working in this field for example to organize breefing, to rent equipment and to give service of information and assistance.

How to make the best use of accesses to the Stura stream

Access to the stream from Germagnano

The first access point to the Stura stream is located in Germagnano: here the parking area, the beach and the equipped area for the operators of the field are placed in one of the most interesting stretches of the Stura stream, the public Fishing Reserve.

Access to the stream from Traves

The second access point to the Stura stream is located in Traves, specifically at the bridge that, coming from Germagnano, allows one to enter the village of Traves. Here tourists and sportsmen will find, in addition to parking and easy access to the small beach, a space equipped with green areas, toilets, a covered picnic area with a wooden pergola, and a camper van area.

Access to the stream from Mezzenile

The third and last access point to the stream is in Mezzenile, between he bridge leading to the village and the rail line Torino-Ceres. Here it is possible to leave car in the parking area and go down to a small beach.

Discover towns and outdoor activities

Germagnano Town

To sportmen the area offers a network of routes so much interesting from landscape and environment points of view, perfect both for hiking and biking.

Hiking lovers can walk the trail which starts from Ponte del Diavolo (the Devil Bridge), located in Lanzo, to go into the hardwood forest (oaks, chestnut trees and birch trees) Crossing woods of larch trees, you will meet creekes with small falls with clear and crystal water, crumbling houses, “ciapè” (that means piles of landslided rocks) and flowers, arriving to the equipped area of Germagnano. And from the picnic area, still following the “Nature Trail”, you will reach the new outdoor infrastructure and the Pian Castagna locality, where you can admire the famous Winepress and the small Church nestled in the valley. Still walking through the hamlets of Pian Bausano and Col Beltramo, you arrive at Castagnole, where it is possible to visit the Museum that collects everyday objects, the old bread ovens of the community and the small church of St. Lorenzo. Staying on the town path in the direction of the Gias hamlet, you will discover one of the many votive pillars that were erected in the past along the main road. The paths also leading to Monte Turu and Monte Momello, with its “Croce degli Alpini” (Alpini Cross), are equally picturesque.

In addition to these three beautiful walks that are also accessible by bike, along the banks of the Stura strem, during hot summer days, you can find refreshment, relaxation and fun in the Germagnano Fishing Reserve.

The natural beauty and clarity of the waters offer us the opportunity to spend afternoons in complete tranquility with the family. While the children are playing and sunbathing, you can also enjoy the sport of fishing. You can fish for Mediterranean trout, marbled trout and brown trout* (*pending legislation by Piedmont Region and Metropolitan City of Turin)

The village of Mezzenile, located about 10 km from Lanzo, the gateway to these valleys, offers visitors numerous environmental and artistic attractions, with activities ranging from hiking to mountain climbing and cultural routes.

Don’t miss, for example, excursions to the famous Pugnetto Caves and to the lakes in the area, from the small Sumiana and Panè Lakes to the Ovarda Lakes, surrounded by dense beech and larch forests. . For those looking for a route of a few hours but of low difficulty, the Consolata Ring is ideal: a scenic trail halfway up the mountainside through woods and ancient mountain hamlets. More difficult, with its 300 meters of elevation gain, is the climb up the Uja di Calcante starting from the Colle della Cialmetta: a truly exciting high-altitude experience that offers breathtaking views of the surrounding valleys.

Bike lovers can try their hand instead on a pleasant panoramic route that reaches Colle della Dieta starting from Mezzenile, from which you can easily reach the cyclamen-colored Big Bench placed in 2021 by the Pro Loco of Mezzenile, and then go down to Viù and finally to Germagnano.

Fans of local history and tradition will not be disappointed either. The “Ecomuseo dei Chiodaioli” (Spikes makers Museum) will be waiting fro them: an open-air tale dedicated to ironworking among the tools used in the forges, and the exhibition of paintings called “Mezzenile d’altri tempi” (Mezzenile town from another time) installed along the walls of the Castle of Francesetti Counts and in the historical Piazza Geninatti.

In addition to water sports such as kayaking and canoeing, Traves offers other outdoor activities that can enrich an active vacation in all seasons.

In fact, the village is located in front of the Sanctuary of St. Ignazio, which dominates the Monte Bastia from above; an evocative place, a popular destination for winter snowshoeing and excursions by mountain bike or e-bike.

A way of exploring the territory, that of by a bike with pedal assistance, which is increasingly appreciated, even more if guided by a cycling tour guide: a definitely transversal experience, capable of combining evocative views, exercise in the fresh air and discovery of the natural environment with reduced physical effort and maximum safety.