Kayaking and Canoeing in the Stura di Lanzo stream: <br>where water is pure emotion

Kayaking: fun, nature and adrenaline in the Lanzo Valleys.

For those are searching for fun and nature combined with the right amount of adrenaline, kayaking is certainly the best choise. The Stura di Lanzo, with its nearly 70 km length, alternates calm stretches with larger and ondulating rapids, both perfect to this sport; you can practise it on the typical two-seater boat, in a seated position, equipped with a double paddle.

The creek is characterized by clean waters and a rather wild environment, capable of diving the explorer into an unspoiled and definitely fascinating atmosphere. A route capable of satisfying even the most experienced navigators, thanks to the presence of grade II and III passages and some large stone weirs. The banks of red tuff are very characteristic too; this soft sediment makes the river bottom extremely changeable, and therefore different from one flood to the next, able to give an always new navigation experience.

In the Mezzenile, Traves and Germagnano stretch, the activity can involve different types of users: amateur kayakers,who are mainly interested in the recreational and eco-friendly aspect of an experience in close contact with nature, to be shared with family or friends; the sport kayakers, who practice the activity with the aim of achieving certain results, although not in competition with others, in particular that of covering stretches of river from 3 to 4.5 kilometers long; and finally, the professional kayakers, who engage in “Kayak Descent” and “Kayak Slalom” at a competitive level, with the goal of finishing the route in the shortest possible time. The Kayak-slalom, which is practiced in rough water and is included within the Olympic program, requires traveling as quickly as possible and without incurring penalties about 300 m of rapids enhanced by a series of poles.

Conquering the environment and overcoming one’s limits are the key words of this sport, which, with the right training and the assistance of experienced instructors, can be accessible even to the youngest.

How to make the best use of accesses to the Stura stream

Access to the stream from Germagnano

The first access point to the Stura stream is located in Germagnano: here the parking area, the beach and the equipped area for the operators of the field are placed in one of the most interesting stretches of the Stura stream, the public Fishing Reserve.

Access to the stream from Traves

The second access point to the Stura stream is located in Traves, specifically at the bridge that, coming from Germagnano, allows one to enter the village of Traves. Here tourists and sportsmen will find, in addition to parking and easy access to the small beach, a space equipped with green areas, toilets, a covered picnic areawith a wooden pergola, and a camper van area.

Access to the stream from Mezzenile

The third and last access point to the stream is in Mezzenile, between he bridge leading to the village and the rail line Torino-Ceres. Here it is possible to leave car in the parking area and go down to a small beach.

Associations active in the territory:


Riverside Outdoor

For more information:


Instagram riversiderafting

Facebook raftingitalia

Mobile 3356624534

Riverside Outdoor Association was founded more than 20 years ago and offers rafting and canoeing activities (exclusively with professional guides and canoeing instructors).

Among the main experiences proposed, there are the activities for Schools and Summer Centers, with thousands of kids per season.
Rafting descents are the most immediate usable activity for beginners and, on appropriate routes, it is also suitable for children.

Our association is operative from the end of March to the end of October.
Contact with nature and personal experiences are one of the reasons that become increasingly important in testing yourself in kayaking.

Our association does not organize competitive races and does not have fixed dates but works on reservation with schools and private clients.


United sport Valli di Lanzo

For more information:


Instagram unitedsportVdL

Facebook United sport VdL

Mobile 3357585978

United sport Valli di Lanzo Association was founded in 2019 in order to promote the values of the river through some sports related to this habitat such as rafting, kayaking and SUP.

We range from Kayak and SUP courses to rafting and SUP excursions; we also collaborate with sports associations of differently abled kids and organize river cleaning days, conveying our passion with the utmost commitment.

Whether it is an activity or a course, all our proposals are organizedin different levels, suitable for everyone, from the beginner or child to the sportsman. The season starts in March with canoeing and sup courses and ends in October; concerning rafting, the operative season goes from May to July/August. The next projects for this year are the organization of an Italian Rafting Cup date and at least one day dedicated to the clining up the river of waste and pollution.

Three reasons why it is worth exploring the river world are: self-knowledge, adventure and discovering nature in a new guise.


For more information:


Canoa senza frontiere
Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica

C.so Monginevro, 30
at the Green Beach club
E-mail: info@alpikayak.it

Our Association was born from a group of friends who share a passion for canoeing and above all for the universe that revolves around this sport.

The canoe is not just a small boat in which you can paddle alone or in company, sitting or kneeling; it is not just a link between us and distant peoples who have used it to survive in the icy waters of the North Pole or on the large lakes of North America.

The canoe is an extraordinary key to interpret the contact with nature, both for those who love sea and for those who love mountain.

The canoe is adventure, travel, interaction, friendship.

Here are three reasons why it is worth exploring the river world: self-knowledge, adventure and discovery of nature in a new guise.