Germagnano Fishing Reserve: nature is at home.

The Reserve has the typical alpine stream environment and includes both No Kill and catch zones, both of which are subject to a specific regulationthat aims to protect its fish and natural heritage, especially limiting the number of fish that can be harvested. The activity is allowed only if one has a government license and the fishing voucher, for a maximum of 2 vouchers per day, and in compliance with the Seasonal Calendar prepared by the Protection Bodies

On the other hand, the angler is guaranteed the maximum usability of the area, through the planting of trouts, the bank and path maintenance, the installation or replacement of the marker posts.

The types of trout that can be found in the waters of the Reserve are Rainbow Trout, Marbled Trout, Mediterranean and/or Hybrid Trout and the Brown Trout,* the latter of good size, usually between 4 and 8 ounces. (*we are waiting for clarification from Piedmont Region and Metropolitan City of Turin).

Starting from the beginning of June, in addition to trout fishing, grayling fishing may also be practiced, with a maximum total of 8 fish per day, strictly releasing the excess catch and the fishes resulting undersized within the predetermined parameters. Only one rod may be used, with line rigged with a single hook, simple or multiple, equipped with a maximum of four flies or a single other artificial-type bait.

In No Kill areas, however, there is a requirement to release all catch into the water.In order to incentivize this method, the Municipality of Germagnano has established a fishing voucher dedicated to it, to be used once the catch has been made; with this voucher it will be possible to continue the activity, releasing the next fishes caught.

During the No Kill fishing exercise, to release the captured animal, it is necessary to recover it to the bank without tugging the line and, with wet hands, gently remove the hook; finally, the fish must be put back into the water immediately.

In order to ensure the survival of the animal, avoiding trauma or permanent damage, only single and clawless hooks may be used in No Kill fishing.

Remember: it is strictly forbidden, during the activity, to place captured fishes in a car, give them to other people or trade them, as well as to abandon bait or waste.

The respect of the environment is fundamental!

Before going to the Reserve please consult the full text of the Regulations

Before purchasing the fishing voucher consult the Conditions of Sale

Choose the ticket type that you want to purchase